
Communal catering experiences – A survey by Pulzus

Communal catering is in trouble due to increasing prices and purchasing difficulties growing with every week. However, in addition to the daily problems, canteens are also faced with the fact that it is not possible to keep the subscription costs at bay.

There are villages where a preschooler’s elevenses has to be budgeted from 350 forints, which is already a huge challenge if they want to comply with the prescribed quality and raw material frequency rules. It is almost impossible to keep pace with the increase in food prices. Although municipalities receive state support for the organization of communal catering, this does not cover their expenses.
The upkeep costs in the sector have increased so much that it could justify a price increase of up to 30 percent in order to make canteen food safe.

We asked the users of the Pulzus app about their experience in communal catering.
38% of respondents have quality problems with canteens. However, according to 21% of the participants in the survey, these services are not accessible to everyone, as it may be too expensive already, or in some places communal catering is not available at all.

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