In May 2021, the average gross earnings of full-time employees were HUF 431,600, and the average net earnings excluding benefits were HUF 287,000, both 8.2% higher than one year earlier.
This growth is mainly happened because of the wage settling processes in the public sector. The public sector’s wage-settlement procedures are the leading causes of this growth.
Wage growth in the business sector, on the other hand, has slowed substantially. The same processes in the business sector, however, have slowed substantially.
According to the latest data from KSH, both gross and net average earnings increased by 8.2%, while real wages rose by 5.8%.
Employers are forced to raise wages in order to retain the workforce. Therefore, wages are rising dynamically despite the third wave of the epidemic, and lower minimum wage rises.
This time we tried to answer whether Pulzus users are satisfied with their salaries or not.
43% of respondents are not satisfied at all, 15% are pretty unsatisfied, while only 22% are somewhat pleased with their payments.
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