2021’s school year will yet again start with a notable teacher shortage. The net starting salary is about 170.000 Ft, which makes the teaching career quite unappealing. Furthermore, by 2030, the estimated number of retiring teachers is around 6,200, while the number of graduates will be between 2,500 and 2,800, leaving 3,000 to 4,000 unfilled positions in the educational system each year.
This issue is no longer limited to impoverished areas but has spread to the capital as well. Nationwide, 472 jobs are officially waiting to be filled – mainly in Pest, Borsod, Fejér, and Komárom-Esztergom counties. Unfortunately, this is not a new issue; Hungary has struggled with teacher shortage for almost ten years, which various redeployments can no longer cover.
In addition to the salaries, it would be necessary to adjust teachers’ working time to the average of the European Union (EU). In Hungary, teachers hold an average of 24.5 lessons a week, which is the highest in the EU.
We were curious as to what Pulzus users thought of Hungary’s educational system.
More than two-thirds of the respondents think that Hungary’s educational system does not work properly. 63% answered with a definite no, while 19% thought there were some issues to be solved.
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