In today’s fast-paced world, perhaps the most difficult love language is spending quality time together. Personal schedules and timetables become more and more prioritized at the expense of human relationships and family life. Because of the pace and circumstances of our lives, it is perhaps the most difficult to experience quality time.
In addition to leisure time, there is a so-called “quality time”, which means time actively spent in the circle of loved ones, with useful action.
Physical proximity and superficial activity next to each other is not enough to satisfy this need. You really need to be together with the other person in mind, soul, understanding each other’s thoughts.
In our research, we asked the users of the Pulzus app whether they think they spend enough quality time with their loved ones.
58% of respondents believe that unfortunately they do not have enough quality time for their loved ones.
Do you think you have enough opportunities to spend as much quality time as you need?
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