Do you know what home staging is? Involving a professional home staging designer can significantly improve the appearance of an apartment, making it seem more attractive and tidy, within a sufferable price range. The specialist not only provides services about furnishing the apartment, but can also advise on its renovation.
Home staging is essentially harnessing the potential of an estate. When rethinking a room or living space, surprisingly, it doesn’t take much to achieve a truly decorative result. Using as many of the elements already in the house as possible, the home stager improves the visuals of rooms, refreshing them with accessories and new colors.
This way, the home stager prepares the estate for a possible open house display, which in most cases results in faster, higher-priced sales.
In our survey, we asked the users of the Pulzus application if they are familiar with the service of home staging?
40% of respondents have not yet heard of home staging.
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