
Arms factories in in Hungary? – A survey by Pulzus

The notion of how we want to change Hungary’s architecture and construction was accepted by the government in February.

In the podcast channel of the National Organization of Construction Contractors (ÉVOSZ), János Lázár previously discussed future ambitions. “Let’s be clear: Hungary will also have factories producing weapons. Production of weaponry, planes and combat aircraft will all occur. A construction worker might believe that they are going to create an industrial hall, but exclusively for weapon companies because the Poles purchase guns for $10 billion.”
By the 2030s, Poland and Hungary, in Lázár’s opinion, can be two of the region’s top economic powers.
In our Pulzus research, we questioned our consumers about their satisfaction with János Lázár’s long-term objectives.
Building weapon factories at home are not at all appealing to 72% of the respondents. 17% believe it to be universally recognized.

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