The use of social media, primarily visual media-based sites, has proven to promote dissatisfaction with one’s own body due to the frequently unreachable and unrealistic “ideal” beauty it conveys.
As a result, it’s not surprising that nearly one in every third child has a body image disorder.
It not only causes mental problems and anxiety, but it also contributes to the rapid spread of eating disorders, especially anorexia and bulimia.
Nevertheless, it will be illegal to post modified images without warning in Norway. Anyone who tries to cheat can face a fine and a prison sentence in the worst-case scenario.
The Norwegian Parliament has established a law requiring all advertisements and posts where the shape, size, or skin colour of a person’s body is altered must have a unified label that the Ministry will control.
This legislation will also affect the photographs and videos posted on social media by celebrities and influencers.
The law’s goal is to prevent the development of body image disorders.
We recently questioned Pulzus users if they thought it would be necessary to label similar media content in Hungary as well.
44% of respondents said it would be necessary.
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